Sunday 26 August 2018

Calling all Early Birds.......🐦🌻🐦

I used to be a very early bird and early to bed but over
the last few years I am staying up later and later and as
a consequence getting up later as well.

I would appreciate any hints and tips to get things back
on track.

This may also be of help to others who are in the same


"Early to Bed Early to Rise makes a man Healthy, Wealthy and Wise"


  1. I cozy up in bed with a good book to quiet my day and relax before sleeping. It works for me.


  2. Thank You Marilyn that sounds good.
    I love what you said "quiet my day"
    that's what I need to do especially
    when my mind is overactive x

  3. Hi fiona, I do yoga and meditate before going to sleep at night. I've noticed that I've been sleeping in later, too. I think it's because we are going to change the clocks soon.

  4. Thank you Stephenie I had not thought of Yoga.
    I have tried to meditate but I need more practice at it.
    You may be right about the clocks although my situation
    has been going on for a long time x

  5. Try setting an alarm and get up earlier, you'll be ready to sleep earlier then too.

    1. Thank you Jo for your suggestion.
      I need to get back to a better routine x

  6. Hi..i do the same as Marilyn..go to bed 30 minutes earlier and read til my eyes start to droop..then cosy down and sleep. I get up early with my husband and keep busy all helps to be worn out at the end of the day

    1. Thank you Sara,
      I do keep busy and feel tired, actually overtired which
      does not help.I also get a second wind of energy at the
      time I should be getting ready for bed x

  7. Fiona, I am not the one to ask about sleep. I've had trouble sleeping for the past few years and I really don't like it. I know it's true for a lot of women as we get older. I try to read as well and not have any distractions--sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I also try to never nap, but some days I must as I'm exhausted! Good luck with your sleep patterns! xo ♥

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen,
      Sorry to hear you have trouble sleeping.
      Lack of sleep or poor quality sleep affects
      us so much,good deep sleep for healing is important
      on so many levels.
      Not having distractions is one of the keys.
      I hope I can get my sleep patterns back to the
      way they used to be.xoπŸ’™

  8. i am an early bird human too. I go to bed with the small one and wake early so that i can get chores done in the morning before the rest of the home awakens. its peaceful and i even get to finish a cup of coffee while its still warm and of course it also gives me a few moments to catch up here with you. have you tried a cup of chamomile tea to relax you in the evenings or a soothing lavender bath?

    1. Thank you Angela,
      I can see from the time you
      are definitely an early bird:)
      Your morning routine sounds lovely.
      I am not fond of chamomile tea by itself but in a mix of
      other herbs I can drink it.
      Yes lavender is very soothing and calming I try to use
      it in many ways x

  9. The chamomile tea latte might just do the trick. I don't like chamomile on it's own either, but doctoring it up it works for me and it is always nice to have something to slow the day and calm us in the evening.

  10. Thank you for sharing the recipe on your Blog Marilyn:)
    It does seem like it would have a calming effect.

    I enjoy milky drinks and yours sounds
    really nice.I need to buy some almond
    milk I usually do have some but it is finished.

    Take Care x

  11. Hmmmm...that is a tough one. I went through that about a year ago, but am back on track now. But I honestly do not remember how I did it. I think it was disciplining myself to go to bed and stay there at a decent hour and then making myself get up at the same time every day. The getting up part was easier because my husband was still working so it was up at 5:30 every morning. My bedtime became between 9:30 and 10:00...or earlier if my body was telling me I needed the extra rest due to some health issues I have.

  12. Thank you Dianna,It is a tough one.

    Getting back on track is what I need to do.
    I have made a few little inroads in
    the past few days and will
    do an update later in the week.

    Take Care x

  13. Hello,
    Just a little update.
    For the past 5 nights I have managed to get
    to bed earlier.
    It is still a work in progress but any positive
    change is good :)

  14. Oh Fiona, I am a morning person, and sometimes I get up so early just to watch the sunrise and enjoy my coffee and appreciating nature. I hope your schedule gets back on track. I bet it's hard to turn it around since it's been a few years.


  15. I used to very much be a morning person too Sheri, days are so
    much more productive.

    It is hard,I managed to get quite a few earlier nights in a row recently but the last few nights have been late again.

    Thank You I will keep trying hopefully it will sort itself out x
