Sunday 19 August 2018

What is it about Jars?

I spent time yesterday doing a little bit of Larder/Pantry
As I was moving things around I
started to think about how much I loved
having Jars to store our food.

Jars are such practical storage, not wasteful
you can see at a glance how much is left inside,
can be cleaned and reused over and over again.

Even the most basic food looks nice in jars.

Many of you may remember being given little jars filled
with sweeties (candy) at Christmas like a little shop.
I always loved that.

What is it about Jars?


  1. I love them, too. I have even used leftover plastic gelato containers as soap molds. I really love the glass jars, though. They are ideal for storing leftover gravy, sauces, and casseroles.

  2. Hello Stephenie
    That is a good idea for soap making.
    Yes they are great for storing leftovers.
    There is no end of uses really x

  3. i absolutely love jars too! i keep all store bought ones and reuse the time and time again. often i throw in herbed bath salts and gift them like that too... yes, i love jars too :)

  4. Hello Angela nice to see you :)

    They are just so practical aren't they.
    Thank you for mentioning using them for gifts
    I had forgotten to add that to my post.
    Hope you have a lovely week🌼

  5. I like to store food in jars too. I have a lot of different kinds of grains that I use in baking and large Mason jars are a perfect way to keep them fresh. We have a little vacuum sealer pump that helps too; you just make a tiny hole in the top of the jar, apply the pump, and cover the hole with a little bit of tape, and it stays very fresh inside.

  6. Hello,

    Nice to see you Jennifer:)

    Yes jars are a great way to keep food fresh.
    That is interesting what you are mentioning
    about your vacuum sealer I will look into that.

    Hope you are having a good day🌼

  7. I love jars, too, Fiona. I enjoy collecting different shaped jars...and clear is always good because I can see at a glance what I have and how much there is. Have a wonderful remainder to your day! xx

    1. Hello Dianna good to see you again :)

      I like the clear ones best too.
      Much better than a box or packet you
      can't see quickly inside of.
      I like the way they look so homely.

      Wishing you a happy day xx

  8. I love jars and collect them up for later use, they are so practical. I still love to decorate them for Christmas sweets for the Grandchildren.

    1. Nice to see you again :)

      Sweets always look so cute and pretty
      in jars,especially as you are mentioning
      with some decoration.

      Looking forward to seeing what other projects
      you will be making for Christmas.

      Take Care x

  9. Jars are so useful, they can be used for so many different things, and over and over again.

    1. Hello Jo nice to see you again :)

      Yes,there are no end of uses for jars that's
      for sure.

      Take Care x

  10. I love jars as well..i never throw them away and get all excited when i see a weird shaped pantry is full of them..great for storage and being able to see what i have left..
    Filling them with sweeties and bath salts is something i do as well..they are such a reusable item..

  11. Hello Sara good to see you again:)

    I am loving this Post! we all have such praise
    for jars and quite rightly so:)

    You will be using a lot of them with all your Jams and Chutney.

    Yes great for sweeties and bath salts and it's easy to make them look nice.

    Hope you are having a good week x

  12. I love them, too, Fiona! I always ponder how many I really need and how many I can save. Even a single blossom in a small jar is one of the sweetest things to me. I even collect the really old Ball Mason Jars with the glass tops---reminds me of my grandparents. It's nice to see another saver of them. Enjoy your day! x ♥

    1. Lovely to see you Martha Ellen:)

      Happy to know you love them too.

      You are right even a single flower can look so sweet
      and pretty.

      The old jars are very special and a reminder of a simpler

      It's good to have our memories that keep our Loved ones
      close to us.

      Take Care x��

  13. Oh yes, there is just something about jars {{smiles}} I have way too many stashed away, but I always think I'm going to use them for something special.

    Have a beautiful weekend, dear Fiona! Hugs!

  14. Lovely to see you Stephanie:)

    Yes! there is something about jars for sure.
    At least you know you have them ready when you
    do need them:)

    Hugs to you too!
    Have a beautiful weekend also x

  15. Hello Pilar

    Glad you love jars too,and yes they will make a nice
    gift filled with your preserves🌼

    I am sorry I had to remove your comment as I do
    not accept links or what looks like to be advertising.

    1. No problem! No advertising, I typically leave my link on new blogs or blogs I'm unfamiliar with.

  16. I love jars to! I use them for all kinds of things from canning to storing chocolate chips. hehehe

    1. Good to see you again Jennifer:)

      Happy to hear you love jars as
      well,one of the most useful
      things ever.
      Storing chocolate in mine is often too tempting:)

      Hope you are having a lovely weekend x

  17. Oh Yes, I love jars too. We can see all the goodies inside. The treats at Christmastime are the best.


    1. Hello Sheri,
      Jars are perfect at Christmas time:)
      filled with Love and Treats x
