Monday 6 August 2018

Sharing snippets of nature from our walk

                                                             Pretty in Pink
                                                        Ultimate  Minimalist
Our quite near neighbours 

Photographs taken by my Husband


  1. There's pleasure in even the simplest things if we only take the time to look. I love how those black sheep are watching what you're doing.

  2. lovely to see you here Jo,

    Yes it's true,so much beauty and interest surrounds us.

    The sheep were watching us very intently :) we love to watch them too.

    Take care x

  3. Nice Pictures

  4. Reading your about you and simplifying life, definitely! I also am trying to simplify.

  5. Hello again Marilyn,

    I have a lot less belongings than I had before I started and it is very freeing but I am not quite there yet.

    If you have ever watched an old film when someone moves town carrying only a suitcase or bag of everything they own.I wish I could be like that.

    I just love a simpler life and I am happier with less things around.

    It's not just about things,it's trying to clear the mind as well.

    Also using what we have and making more things at home helps keep things simple.

    It does feel very satisfying as things progress and I hope you get on well with your own simplifying.

    Take Care x

    1. just to clarify :) I have no desire to move Town,but I do wish my life was so simple it could fit into a suitcase.

  6. I love nature. It's so calming to soak in those vibes.

  7. Yes,it is balm for the soul:)
    You just never know what you may see
    and the fresh air is a bonus x

  8. What a lovely peek into your walk, Fiona. The sheep are beautiful! I never tire seeing their sweet faces. x ♥

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen.
      These sheep really are,I enjoyed the ones in your post as well.
      We always love to see the sheep in the field as we pass by.
      There will be more photos soon x💙
