Monday 2 July 2018

H🌼ppiness is........

A bright Summer's day not too hot to enjoy🌞

Washing dried on the line 👗 👕 👖

A slice of watermelon waiting for me in the fridge 🍉


  1. Love water melon..its so little girl Iris will quite happily eat a lot of it if she gets the chance

  2. Lovely to see you here Sara

    I love it too especially with the weather at the moment.

    It is a perfect snack 🍉 for little ones.

  3. Fiona, I love hanging my laundry out on the line as well. We had to move my clothesline this year as we had to have a tree removed. Unfortunately the new spot is under another tree that the birds like to frequent. I'm sure you know what happens next! I love simple pleasures as well and look forward to visiting with you. ♥

  4. How lovely to see you Martha Ellen

    It can be so annoying when that happens,but nothing beats drying clothes outside.I do not have a tumble dryer so I always
    try to take advantage of good weather.

    Take Care x

  5. I've been enjoying watermelon in this heat, too. It's so refreshing, and quenches the thirst. My hens love to eat the leftovers. I hang out all of my washing, too. It smells so fresh, and I love the effect of the sunshine.

  6. Hello Stephanie,
    Watermelon is so good in hot weather.
    That's great that your hens can eat the rinds so nothing is wasted.
    Hanging washing is always best and good for us.

    Take care x
