Sunday 28 October 2018

Autumn Splendour 🍁

                  I came across this Shrub recently and it truly is one of the
        most Beautiful things I have ever seen. The photo although stunning
          does not do justice to the reality. I thought it deserved it's own post.

                                            The markings and variation in colour
                                                      are so lovely and unusual.

                      I would appreciate finding out the name if anyone knows.

Friday 5 October 2018


                         What is it about Simplicity that speaks to my Soul?

                         On this journey of mine that I started in earnest
                         five years ago.

                     Is it the Calm? Is it the Beauty? Is it the Freedom of Less?
                     Is it the Joy of Simple things? It is all of these and more...
                  It is everything that brings me closer to Peace in my HeartπŸ’š